Herbal Concert

Herbal Concert

One of the oldest rosoli of the Amalfi Coast, the Concerto d'Erbe, whose origins sink into the glorious past of Campania, up to the monks of the Monastery of San Francesco di Tramonti, to whom history attributes its invention, to whom OrodiAmalfi gives a modern image, but leaving the glorious historical recipe unchanged.

Enveloping. Like music.

  • Ingredients: alcohol hydrate, sugar, coffee, barley, spices and natural herbs (including: licorice, fennel, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, edelweiss, mint and others).
  • Alcohol content: 22°
  • Bottle: Thai cl 50
Tax included


A concert of aromas and flavours, obtained through the infusion of barley and coffee with fifteen different herbs and spices.

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